Teilen ist Kümmern!
By Dr. Steven Sisskind
For numerous women, losing weight is a backburner goal they hope to achieve “someday,” when things slow down and they can focus on their health a little more. but let’s be honest: When is that ever going to happen if you don’t makeit happen?
If your goals are minor or purely cosmetic in nature, you ought to feel totally free to accomplish them at your leisure. If, however, you are overweight and at risk for other health issues, you ought to start losing weight before real problems develop.
The Physical Dangers of Being Overweight
If you are overweight, you are leaving yourself open to physical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, early dementia that can result in Alzheimer’s, knee and hip problems, hormonal conditions, arthritis, and even early death. If you’re finding that your blood sugar is getting high, your blood pressure is elevated, your mood and energy are down, and you’re starting to feel pain, it’s certainly time to find some homecare services and to take care of yourself.
This list of dangers is not implied to scare you; rather, they are real issues that ought to motivate you to take charge of your health. At RealDose, we tell you that losing weight can be hard work, but knowing that you’re decreasing all these risks can bring peace that is priceless.
When talking about health, our own needs typically become secondary to the needs of other family members, especially if there are kids in the picture. but don’t underestimate the importance of taking care of yourself foryour loved ones. kids needs good examples, and you imply a lot to the people you love. They want you to be around for a long time!
The psychological Side of Weight Loss
Being in your optimal weight range not only brings physical benefits, but psychological ones as well. There have now been multiple studies demonstrating the link between depression and being overweight. This is many likely due to the fact that excess fat causes inflammation, which has a dramatic effect on mood. It’s practically impossible to be overweight andhave a healthy brain.
Inflammation is the most significant way that being overweight can affect your psychological health, but there are other elements as well. carrying extra weight around requires a lot of effort, and that can drain your energy, causing moodiness. possibly the most purely psychological effect that weight loss brings is simply a positive reaction to looking better, whether it comes from other people or from looking in the mirror and knowing that you’ve accomplished your goals.
Wo soll man anfangen
If you’re convinced that you need to start dropping pounds, you’re probably thinking about how to get the ball rolling. The two bestthings you can do to get started are changing your practices slowly and practicing mindfulness.
Changing Habits:
You want changes to stick, so don’t overwhelm yourself with too much at once. start with just changing breakfast for a week. avoid eating a lot of carbs, which can cause a hormonal cascade that will potentially destroy your weight loss for the day. Instead, have a high-protein shake, eggs, or lean meats, and a complex carbohydrate/fat blend of either flax or chia seed or quinoa. This will get your metabolism going, make you less hungry throughout the day, and let you try out delicious new foods!
Mindfulness might be a unexpected practice to help you lose weight, but research shows that it works. Mindfulness comes out of meditation, which may sound intimidating, but all it really implies is slowing down and being much more aware of your surroundings.
A terrific exercise to try is to spend 10 minutes being mindful of something as easy as a raisin (yes, a raisin!). spend five minutes studying the raisin, touching it, thinking about where it came from, and examining its color and texture. then take a full 5 minutes to slowly eat the raisin, taking it in with all your senses, feeling it go down to your stomach. Finally, sit quietly for another minute and take in your surroundings.
If you do this for seven days, you will find yourself eating less, eating better foods, and enjoying your meals much more than you ever have. Plus, you’ll lose weight!
Don’t wait for a crisis situation to make weight loss a priority. If you are overweight andDie Entwicklung anderer Gesundheitsprobleme deshalb ist es jetzt an der Zeit, loszulegen. Unabhängig von der Ursache, übergewichtig zu sein, ob es sich um eine Schwangerschaft, eine Operation oder ein langfristiges Problem handelte, Sie können von nun an gesunde Entscheidungen treffen. Du schuldest es dir selbst.
Dr. Steven Sisskind, der Chief Medical Officer von Realdosenutrition, einem Unternehmen, das verspricht, die besten Zutaten in der realen Dosis zu liefern. Verbinden Sie sich mit Dr. Sisskind Ongoogle+.
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